Books by Richard Falconer

Obsidian Publising Scotland
Six nonfiction books about ghosts by Richard Falconer

The following books by Richard Falconer span 6 decades of research. Richard Falconer has been a historical researcher and a paranormal historian / authority for over 40 years. Through his books, he educates about the historical significance of St Andrews and the paranormal as a universal reality.

With his award-winning St Andrews Ghosts Tours promoting the same, they are now considered to be one of the top ghost tours in the world. 

Photo courtesy of D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd, Dundee

Book signing for Richard's book at Barnardos St Andrews

New release for 2025

History of St Andrews by Rchard Falconer

History of St Andrews

Richard Falconer

NONFICTION & fully illustrated

Coming out in 2025

This volume will be available in hardback, softcover and Kindle.

Click here and email your note of interest if you would like to be notified when Richard’s book becomes available with links to purchase.


Out Now

Books by Richard Falconer: Ghosts

Ghosts by Richard Falconer

Nonfiction – 660 pages and fully illustrated.

International Edition


The mechanics of Ghosts explained through the lens of hundreds of experiences in the Scottish town of St Andrews as examples of this global phenomena.

This volume also includes more of your questions answered about the nature of Ghosts and less background location history.

Localised edition available below

Nonfiction: Paperback and Kindle

> Click here to buy now on Amazon Prime <

FREE on Kindleunlimited!

Released 2021

134 new haunted locations

262 previously unknown ghosts

317 previously unpublished experiences from residents, students, visitors and the author.

“For its size, St Andrews in Fife
is the most haunted location in the world.”

This volume is the qualification for that statement.

Books by Richard Falconer: More Ghosts of St Andrews

More Ghosts of St Andrews
by Richard Falconer

Nonfiction – 612 pages and fully illustrated. Click cover for excerpts

More Ghosts of St Andrews
Localised Edition of ‘Ghosts’


Hundreds of first-hand experiences in the Scottish town of St Andrews as a follow-up to Ghosts of St Andrews (2013).

This volume has more background location history for many of the experiences and less about the nature of Ghosts as a phenomena.

International edition  available above as ‘Ghosts’

Nonfiction: Paperback and Kindle

Click here to buy now on Amazon Prime

FREE on Kindleunlimited!

Released 2021

134 new haunted locations

262 previously unknown ghosts

317 previously unpublished experiences from residents, students, visitors and the author.

“For its size, St Andrews in Fife
is the most haunted location in the world.”

This volume is a qualification for that statement.

St Andrews Ghost Stories by William Linskill, annotated by Richard Falconer

St Andrews Ghost Stories by W. T. Linskill

Republished by Richard Falconer as the first hand-transcribed standalone copy since 1978.

The volume is now also twice the length of the original. It includes extensive annotations, including some of Linskill’s inspiration and sources for his stories.

St Andrews Ghost Stories
by W. T. Linskill
Annotated by Richard Falconer

Paperback and Kindle

Released 2021

Click here to buy now on Amazon Prime

FREE on Kindleunlimited!

Capturing the imagination of generations, William Linskill’s classic ‘St Andrews Ghost Stories’ was first published in 1911, and remained in print through thirteen editions up to 1978. Richard originally republished it as the last section of his book ‘Ghosts of St Andrews’ in 2013.

Following extensive research, Richard explains the reality behind these stories and gives an insight into William Linskill. There are also introductions, photos, and eight pages worth of footnotes covering aspects of Linskill’s text through analysis, cross-referencing and elaboration of the same, as new material, or as updates since publishing in 2013.

Also included is Linskill’s article: The Strange Story of St Andrews Haunted Tower – nonfiction. Published 1925, then in booklet form 1938, and republished here for the first time.

Books by Richard Falconer

Available through:
All Amazon Channels
Topping Books, Greyfriars Garden
Waterstones, Market Street
Visit Scotland, Market Street

Ghosts available now on Amazon click here

More Ghosts of St Andrews available now on Amazon click here

St Andrews Ghost Stories available now on Amazon click here

Kindle copies available for all titles

All titles softcover.
Categories: Paranormal/History/Nonfiction/Local interest/Global interest/Psychology

More books by Richard Falconer:

Ghosts of St Andrews by Richard Falconer


A local bestseller for 10 years

356 pages and fully illustrated with many photos.

75 haunted locations, over 100 ghostly encounters, a lot of poltergeist activity and loads of history!

Up to 2013 this is the most comprehensive compendium on the paranormal St Andrews had seen and forms the culmination of many years research up to that point.

With the addition of ‘More Ghosts of St Andrews’ 2021, they form the most comprehensive research conducted for one location.

A St Andrews Mystery by Richard Falconer


With 266 pages this is the most comprehensive investigation there has been into a fascinating St Andrews mystery involving a ghost and a chamber of corpses.

The mystery centres around most famous and prolific ghost in St Andrews- the White Lady. Anyone familiar with the town is more than likely aware of her, but how much does anyone really know about her?

Welcome to a St Andrews Mystery

Ghosts of Fife by Richard Falconer


271 pages and over 80 haunted places from right across the Kingdom of Fife.

This is the first time a book has been written solely devoted to the Ghosts of Fife in Scotland.

Comprehensive A to Z guide of haunted places.
Guided trail of 25 haunted castles.

The book is a great guide to exploring the Kingdom of Fife. (Own transport required).


With 612 pages of previously unpublished material, if you are staying in St Andrews and want to sleep tonight, don’t read this book!

As a follow-up to Ghosts of St Andrews, this new book has 134 new unpublished haunted locations, 262 previously unknown ghosts, 317 new testimonies, along with extensive updates for ‘Ghosts of St Andrews’.


Republished by Richard Falconer as the first hand-transcribed standalone copy since 1978, complete with extensive annotations.

International Edition


The mechanics of Ghosts explained through the lens of hundreds of experiences in the Scottish town of St Andrews as examples of this global phenomena.

This volume has more of your questions answered about the nature of Ghosts and less background location history.

These big books are the culmination of research spanning 6 decades and are packed with history alongside a great many haunted locations and first-hand experiences

Obsidian Publising Scotland